Zeller Speller #25


Believe it or not, the word egg can be either a noun or a verb. Most often it’s a noun.


  1. an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.
    • an infertile egg, typically of the domestic hen, used for food: examples—scrambled eggs, egg and bacon, an egg sandwich
    • a thing resembling a bird’s egg in shape: example—chocolate eggs.
  2. In biology, the female reproductive cell in animals and plants; an ovum.
  3. [with adjective] a person possessing a specified quality: example—she was a good egg, meaning a person who was helpful, kind


  1. to urge or encourage someone to do something, especially something foolish or risky: example—She urged her friend to race her bicycle down the hill without holding the handlebars

(From the New Oxford American Dictionary)

Fun things to do

Cartoon cracked eggThere are lots of sayings with the word egg and they have very different meanings. It’s no wonder the English language can be difficult to learn for non-English speakers.

See how many of these sayings you know by filling in the blanks to complete another story about Willie and Millie. Use the definition in the brackets [ ] to choose the correct answers which are below the story.

“Can you please help me with my math homework?” Willie asked. “I know you understand this stuff because you’re an _____________  [really smart person]. If I don’t get some help, I’m worried I’m going to _____________ [fail badly] on the next test.”

“Sure. You know I will because I’m such a ____________ [helpful person].”

“Are you going to try out for a part in the school play this year, Millie?”

“No, I’m too chicken. Get it?  Seriously, I’m not that good and I’m afraid I’ll end up with ________________ [looking foolish or ridiculous].”

“Well, I don’t agree, so I’m going to continue to ________ [urge someone to do something].”

“Are you still mowing lawns for the neighbors, Willie?”

“Yep, I’m putting the money away to start my own ___________ [money saved or kept for a special purpose]. My parents say I have to start paying some money for my video games. How’s your mom?  Is she still having headaches?”

“Thanks for asking. She’s better, but I still feel like I have to _____________ [be cautious about my words or actions] around her sometimes.”

Answers: nest egg | lay an egg | good egg | walk on eggshells | egg head | egg you on | egg on my face

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