Where we live, many of the trees have lost their leaves. It’s the start of winter. Daylight has grown shorter and the nights are longer. Time to put our sweaters or jackets on as we head to the cellar. It gets a lot colder down here now and seems damper. Brrr.

How about we both pick this time? I’ll pick from the Famous Phrases box and you dive into the Silly Sayings box.
I picked “You can’t have your cake and it, too.” Let me see yours. What do you know? You chose “It’s a piece of cake.” Seems like there are sweet messages for us to explore.
You can’t have your cake and eat it, too means you can’t have two things that are opposites. For example, you can’t do well on a test if you don’t study. Or you can’t make a sports team if you don’t practice. It can also mean you can’t have everything.
It’s a piece of cake means that something is easy to do or easy to accomplish. For example, you could say, “The test was a piece of cake because I studied hard.” Or “Making the soccer team was a piece of cake because I practiced like crazy.”
Fun things to do
See this quick video about “a piece of cake.”
(Happy Learning English, October 19, 2023)
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