A Deer Named Inspiration


I live in Northern Arizona in a ponderosa pine tree forest. I’m blessed to see and hear many animals on our property, such as squirrels, fox, skunks, chipmunks, coyotes and owls. My favorite are the deer who frequent the area. Bucks, does and fawns. One time a very young fawn that still had its spots rested by our front door!! I mean on the wood landing less than two feet from the door! I didn’t see it until I stepped outside. I quickly returned inside, because I knew its mom wouldn’t be far away. She definitely would not have wanted me near her baby.

This past fall and early winter a most interesting buck visited frequently. Unfortunately, he limped. He injured his left front leg at the joint above his hoof, and he could put no weight on it. He would be around for a few days, then gone, then return for a few more days. When he returned he limped even more. The lowest part of his leg was missing. I called the Arizona Game and Fish department. A person there told me that the injured part of his leg probably broke off.

Many times he rested only a foot from our house. He stayed for several hours, so I got a close look at him. Two thin antlers stuck straight up. He had light brown skin with a few dark spots like big freckles, but he had no skin on his bad leg. That bone was bare. Yet I would see him with other bucks, ramming his two thin antlers against their much larger antler racks. Other times he mingled in a group of bucks and does. I was amazed how well he got along despite his “handicap.” He seemed to fit right in with the other deer and his environment.

Like this buck, I believe all of us have “handicaps.” Some people have greater challenges than others. We all have weaknesses. It’s impossible to be good at everything.

I felt there was a reason he visited often, so I asked myself what am I to learn from this beautiful animal? He’s strong and brave. He lives as if he’s not injured. He doesn’t allow his weakness to get in the way of doing his best. Therefore, I told myself to be like this buck which I named Inspiration.

August 2021–A personal note from CeCe: This blog is dedicated to my cousin, Dana Zeller Skemp, who recently joined the other angels in heaven and who inspired me.

Think time

Who or what cheers you on? Who or what encourages or inspires you? Do you inspire someone?

I would love to see your think time thoughts. Use the comment window below to write to me.

6 Responses

  1. I love your website. Very well made and interesting. I’m sure you will have many subscribers in no time.

  2. Great website!! I especially love the story about the deer named Inspiration. 🙂
    And if that is Jonathan Swift’s real hair, I want that! 😉 Keep up the wonderful work! 🙂

  3. What a beautiful story and lesson learned from Inspiration. You are a great writer and I love your website. I am excited to show all the children in my life. Oh and I love your adorable childhood photo!

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