All that Glitters is not Gold 

iron pyrite

We read on the other pages that gold is a precious, expensive metal. There are lots of words that contain gold. Here’s a few: gold medal, gold standard, golden goose, golden age, gold mine, Golden Gate bridge. Words like this mean something that’s the best.

Yet, we can all be fooled. In fact, the mineral iron pyrite (pictured at right) is called fool’s gold. Do you know a person who glitters, but isn’t golden? Do their actions match their words? Are they a loyal friend who you can count on? Or are they all glitter and shine but hollow on the inside?

Unfortunately, we’ve all known such a person.

(Iron pyrite photo from Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources 10/14/2020)
Click here to read more about fool’s gold.

Think time questions

What experience have you had thinking something or someone was gold, but in the end you discovered that thing or person was all glitter and not gold at all?

I would love to see your think time thoughts. Use the comment window below to write to me.

2 Responses

    1. Thanks, Paula. Such an easy and fun thing to do. The hunters may be quite surprised at what they find in their own home or the home of a relative. CeCe

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