Spring is here. Soon the school year will be ending for many. You may have plans to go to camp during the summer. Maybe you’re traveling with your family and meeting relatives or friends for the first time. Perhaps you’re leaving elementary school and advancing to middle school or junior high school. Maybe your family is moving to another city or state and you’ll have to start at a new school which can be very scary. In each of these circumstances or something you may be facing, you might have to put your best foot forward.
I bet there were times in your past when you had to put your best foot forward. You had to behave a certain way or maybe you had to wear certain “dress up” clothes. You had to make a good impression.
So if you have a future event where it benefits you to put your best foot forward, consider what you will need to do or know.
Think time
How will you make a good first impression? What advice would you give a friend who needs to put his or her best foot forward?
2 Responses
Very nice! Fun, too! If I were to advise someone to ‘put their best foot forward’, I would tell them to wear something neat and clean (and to be clean themselves- like fresh out of a bath!). To be polite and call the person(s) by their name(s): Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jones, Miss Lady. To answer when spoken to and ask if you may ask them questions. And if they say ‘yes,’ to ask them something about themselves that they’d like to share.
Excellent advice. Thank you. I tend to ask a lot of questions, and at times I irritate people (so I’ve been told.) I need to heed your good advice.