Some people in the medical world say that laughter helps you deal with stress. Laughter may relieve your pain or help your heart and brain or make your problems not seem so big. No wonder there’s that saying, “Laughter is the best medicine,” because it truly is!! In the Zeller Cellar Word Fun we found “That tickled my funny bone,” when something or someone makes us laugh.
Laughter is better than taking a pill or getting a shot for some illness. Those can always have negative effects. I’ve never heard of laughter having a negative effect. Of course we don’t laugh at inappropriate times. But most of the time we can find something to laugh at, including ourselves!!
Some people have great laughs that can cause us to laugh just hearing THEM laugh. I always laugh when I hear a belly laugh. A belly laugh is a loud, unrestrained laugh. (New Oxford American Dictionary) The sound comes shooting out of the person’s mouth and often bounces off the walls and floor. Sometimes they hold their own belly while they’re cracking up. Next thing I know, I’m holding my stomach, too.
Here’s some more things that can happen to our bodies when we giggle. We can split our sides with laughter, double up with laughter, bust a gut, roll in the aisles. We even say, “I practically died from laughter.” Well, not really. Just an expression.
Think time
Do you have many funny bones? Do you laugh a lot? Who makes you laugh? What do you do that makes other people laugh? Are you able to laugh at yourself?
2 Responses
Just thinking about my funny bone and all the related things that make me laugh…make me laugh! Very interesting how the funny bone got it’s name because I sure don’t laugh when I bump that spot on my elbow! Ow!
Do animals have funny bones?
Dear Linda,
Thank you for being a faithful reader and participant in my website and blog. Most of us don’t laugh when we hit our funny bone. I looked online and couldn’t find out if animals have a funny bone or an ulnar nerve. Everything I found pointed back to the ulnar nerve in humans.
Other readers: Do you know the answer to Linda’s question??? If yes, please add what you know to the comments section. Thanks!! CeCe Zeller