Many holidays are celebrated during the fall season. And sometimes that causes stress for adults as well as children. There are obligations to friends or relatives. There’s food to cook. A house to clean. Maybe relatives are coming from far away, so there’s travel. Or maybe you’re traveling. There are gifts to think about. It can leave the adults in your life tired, cranky or frazzled.
Let’s not forget about all your school homework, including tests or exams. Maybe there’s an important event, like a sports playoff or a recital or school play that’s coming up. You and your friends can be stressed from studying and preparing.
An easy gift you can give is to lend someone a hand. Perhaps the adults you live with could use a hand. You can help carry in the groceries, walk the dog, feed the cat or the fish, sweep the front porch. Something simple.
At school you could help someone prepare for a test or you could walk to the bus stop with someone who’s walking alone. Do you see someone sitting alone at lunch often while others are eating and laughing with friends? You could sit with that person, so they aren’t eating alone. How would you feel if you were alone often?
Lending a hand is easy, and it makes you feel good about yourself.
Think time
When did someone lend you a hand when you really needed it?
What did you do to give someone a hand?
3 Responses
I love the “Lend A Hand” story, and the image that accompanies it! 🙂
Thank you very much. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I liked the story about bed bugs, but not enough to study them! That introduction was enough! One of the things about bugs that I DON’T like is for them to crawl on me – that gives me chills up my back!