Making Lemonade

Lemons & LemonadeThings don’t always go our way. Maybe you didn’t make a school team you want to be on. Maybe your family is unable to take a vacation to a great place. Or it seems you’re the only kid in school that wasn’t invited to a popular party. Or your family can’t afford to buy you the latest clothes or shoes that all the other kids are wearing.

It doesn’t get any easier as you get older. Teenagers, young adults and older adults face disappointments all the time. Here’s another saying that might help: When life hands you a bunch of lemons, make lemonade.

Make the most of what you have. Get creative. Try to get on a different team. It might be more fun anyhow. Have the best time possible on whatever vacation your family goes on. Find out all the others who also weren’t invited to that same party. Wear your clothes in a new and different way. You may surprise yourself. Make some lemonade.

Think time question

Tell me about a time when life handed you lemons and you creatively made lemonade.

I would love to see your think time thoughts. Use the comment window below to write to me.

One Response

  1. Boy, have I been thinking on this one! And no matter how long I thought, what I thought about, where I was, I couldn’t come up with a single instance of when I got lemons and made lemonade (except for the real lemons and lemonade)! I would love to see some other comments, to maybe inspire me or remind me of a time that I was able to take a not-so-good problem and was able to turn it to good!

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