Zeller Cellar Word Fun #28

Salt in a wooden bowl with scoop

Time for our monthly trek downstairs. Something tells me the Famous Phrases box is the one we should pick this time. Your turn.

“The salt of the earth.”  I like that phrase. It means someone who is genuine, trustworthy, and of great worth or reliability. Examples are a neighbor who always lends a helping hand or a friend who stands by you, rain or shine.  (from grammarist.com, Candace Osmond).

Fun things to do

1) How to make a mummy. Find out how people were preserved with salt.

Click here: https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/history/egypt/how-to-make-a-mummy/

2) Read these salt facts

  • Salt was used in religious ceremonies and to preserve mummies in Egypt
  • The chemical symbol for common table salt is NaCl which stands for sodium chloride
  • Every person needs about 100 grams of salt for every 88 pounds (40 kilograms) of weight
  • Sweat contains between 2.25 and 3.4 grams of salt per liter (1.05 quarts)
  • Sea turtles cry to get rid of salt excess in their body
  • Salt has always been considered valuable. In fact, it was used as money in ancient times. People were paid in salt. The word “salary” comes from the word salt.
  • Because salt has always had value, another phrase used is a person is or isn’t worth his or her salt, meaning is competent or not at something (from https://eusalt.com/about-salt/salt-facts/)
Sea Turtle
US Department of the Interior

3) See awesome photos of sea turtles

Click here: https://masterliveaboards.com/six-facts-you-probably-didnt-know-about-sea-turtles/

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