Time for our monthly trek downstairs. Something tells me the Famous Phrases box is the one we should pick this time. Your turn.
“The salt of the earth.” I like that phrase. It means someone who is genuine, trustworthy, and of great worth or reliability. Examples are a neighbor who always lends a helping hand or a friend who stands by you, rain or shine. (from grammarist.com, Candace Osmond).
Fun things to do
1) How to make a mummy. Find out how people were preserved with salt.
Click here: https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/history/egypt/how-to-make-a-mummy/
2) Read these salt facts
- Salt was used in religious ceremonies and to preserve mummies in Egypt
- The chemical symbol for common table salt is NaCl which stands for sodium chloride
- Every person needs about 100 grams of salt for every 88 pounds (40 kilograms) of weight
- Sweat contains between 2.25 and 3.4 grams of salt per liter (1.05 quarts)
- Sea turtles cry to get rid of salt excess in their body
- Salt has always been considered valuable. In fact, it was used as money in ancient times. People were paid in salt. The word “salary” comes from the word salt.
- Because salt has always had value, another phrase used is a person is or isn’t worth his or her salt, meaning is competent or not at something (from https://eusalt.com/about-salt/salt-facts/)

3) See awesome photos of sea turtles
Click here: https://masterliveaboards.com/six-facts-you-probably-didnt-know-about-sea-turtles/
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