We’re halfway through spring already. Many kids are out of school for the summer, unless they go all year round. In the United States, Memorial Day seems to kick off the summer season. People start cooking outdoors, especially during that weekend. Which reminds me, I’m hungry. So let’s have lunch right after we go to the cellar.
I’ll pick from the Silly Sayings box this time. Well, what a coincidence! I picked “My eyes are bigger than my stomach.”
This has two meanings.
1) It can mean a person has taken on more than he or she can reasonably handle. Example: “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach if you think you can get all this work done by the end of the week.”
(from Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.)
2) It’s more commonly used to say that someone has taken more food than he or she can possibly eat. Example: “I can’t finish my meal—I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach!”
(from Merriam-Webster online dictionary)
Fun things to do
1) Watch this video about how your stomach works.
2) click on this link to learn more about your stomach
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