CeCe Zeller Children's Author

Zeller Cellar Word Fun #19

We need to put our sweaters on even though we’re just going down to the cellar. It’s always so cold down there during the winter. Here we go. I’d like to pick out something this time. I’m reaching into the Famous Phrases box. Aha! I love this one. My mother taught me this when I was a young child. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”  Some people say, “Never judge a book by its cover.”  Both are great Famous Phrases and very true and wise. 

Three books stacked graphicThese words come from a book by George Eliot written in 1860. (from grammarist.com) This Famous Phrase is perfect for this month, since many people around the world celebrate cultural, spiritual or religious holidays, and one of the gifts many children and adults receive is a book. The cover of a book is really important. Some books have great covers with boring stories on the inside, and others have great stories but their covers aren’t appealing. Over the years this Famous Phrase has come to mean don’t judge someone or something based on appearance. People and things aren’t always what they seem.

Fun things to do

Watch this short video where a mother makes a mistake judging her daughter.

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