Down into the Zeller Cellar we go. Hold on to the wooden railing and watch your step. Creak. Squeak. It’s hard to sneak down here, with the noisy creaks and squeaks of the steps. They’re old. Let’s go back to that box labeled Silly Sayings, the one we dipped into last time.
Please shine your flashlight over here. I’ll take off the lid and you reach in and pull out a saying.
Wow! Look what you found. I’m gobsmacked! This word is as old as the Zeller Cellar steps.
\ ˈgäb-ˌsmakt
definition: overwhelmed with wonder, surprise, or shock : ASTOUNDED
(from Merriam-Webster dictionary, chiefly British, informal)
Someone who is gobsmacked often claps a hand to his/her mouth in astonishment.
Fun things to do
- Take a photo of yourself and your friends looking totally gobsmacked
- Send your photo to friends and relatives. Tell them you’re gobsmacked, then they will learn this word also!
- Think up one or two nice things you can do that would cause people to be gobsmacked. I’ll try to help you out…
- Clean up your room without being asked
- Walk the dog
- Mow the lawn or rake up leaves for a neighbor who could use some help
- Hold the door open for someone who has his/her arms full
- Be nice to someone at school who you often ignore
- What can you think of? You will enjoy seeing them gobsmacked.
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