Here we go in the new year of 2022. Our first trip down into the cellar this year. Yippee! It’s always an adventure, because we never know what we’ll find. Brrr. It feels colder and a little damper now that it’s winter. Let’s go to the Famous Phrases box. You pick something out.
Let’s bring it under the light bulb so we can read it. Oh, this is a good one.
“I’m happy as a clam.” What a perfect one you picked. It’s Happy New Year time, so why not be happy as a clam? Where did this Famous Phrase come from and how do we know clams are happy?
Happy as a clam is an American simile. Check out the Zeller Speller to learn about similes. The full phrase is happy as a clam in high water (or at high tide). During high tide, clams are able to feed and are relatively safe from capture, which happens during low tide. (from
Fun things to do
- Learn what causes the tides to go from high tide to low tide and how many high and low tides occur each day.
- For older kids, learn about careers in oceanography. This website tells you the skills and education you will need.
- Discover tide pools and what creatures live in them. Check out this great website from the National Ocean Service. Be sure to also click on “resident marine life” to go to another great website for pictures of tide pool creatures.
- You can view videos about the tides, like this one:
I feel so happy when I listen to one of my favorite songs, “Under the Sea,” from the Disney movie The Little Mermaid.
- Click on the link for a sing along version showing all the words.
- Dance to this song like the sea creatures
- If you play a musical instrument, you can download the sheet music and play it yourself!! If you’re beginning to learn an instrument, you can download an easy version.
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