When we use bread as a noun, it can mean more than something we eat. Bread can
also be a verb.
- food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together
and baked—Examples: a loaf of bread | a bread roll | Italian breads.
• the bread or wafer used in the Eucharist: altar bread.
the food that one needs in order to live: his day job puts bread on the table. - informal money—Example: I hate doing this, but I need the bread.
- food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together
- to coat food in bread crumbs before cooking—Example: We alway bread pork
chops before we fry them.
- to coat food in bread crumbs before cooking—Example: We alway bread pork
(from The New Oxford American Dictionary online)
Fun things to do
Play the short matching game below with words that contain “bread.”
bread-winner ______ a) region that grows grains for other regions
bread and butter ______ b) a series of connected pieces of evidence
breadbasket ______ c) a diet due to poverty or as a punishment
breadline ______ d) a main source of income
breadcrumbs ______ e) a line of people waiting to receive free food
bread and water ______ f) a person who earns money to support a family- Do your own science experiment at home by activating yeast. Here’s a very
short video that shows you every step:
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