The word bug can be a noun or a verb. It has lots of definitions—so many it just might bug you.
- a small insect
- a harmful bacteria or virus
- an illness caused by a harmful bacteria or virus
- a miniature microphone, usually concealed and used to spy on someone
- an error in a computer program
- to conceal a miniature microphone in order to record a conversation
- to annoy or bother someone
(From The New Oxford American Dictionary online)
Fun things to do
Fill in the blanks using the “bug” words below to find out what our friends Willie and Millie are up to as the summer begins.
Millie: “What’s _________ you?”
Willie: “Nothing, why?”
Millie: “You just don’t seem your normal self, that’s all.”
Willie: “My mom ______ me sometimes. She’s always nagging me to clean up my room.”
Millie: “Well, I’ve been there and your room is a mess most of the time. It’s a miracle you don’t have __________.”
Willie: “Thanks a lot. Maybe you should __________.”
Millie: “Wow. Look at that. One of my favorite insects. A lady ________. What have you been doing lately?”
Willie: “I’m reading a spy novel where these kids ________ a hotel room to catch a thief. Some of the pranks they do make my eyes _________. What have you been doing?”
Millie: “Helping around the house more, because my mom caught a flu _________.”
bug off bugging bug bedbugs bugs bug bug out bug
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