A suffix is a word part attached to the end of a word. In this Speller we use the suffix “ness.” When we attach that to the word kind we get a new word, kindness.
Other examples are goodness, gracefulness, thickness, darkness.
The New Oxford American Dictionary defines kindness like this:
The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate: he thanked them for their kindness and support.
- a kind act: it is a kindness I shall never forget.
Fun things to do
Watch this three-minute video with children talking about kindness:
- Use the internet to find as many words as you can that end in “ness.” Now pick out the words that describe YOU.
- For example, are you filled with shyness?
- Are you experiencing sadness?
- Are you full of happiness?
- Are faced with loneliness?
- Pretend you are writing to a new penpal. What would you tell that person about yourself? What words that end in “ness” would you use?
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