A simile is a comparison of two things that are not alike. Examples of similes are:
They fought like cats and dogs.
He is as strong as an ox.
Your explanation is as clear as mud.
That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.
Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
They are as different as night and day.
I’m happy as a clam.
(from yourdictionary.com)
Fun things to do
If you take out the first “i” in the word simile, what does it spell? Wow!! Another sign of being happy, which is the theme of these pages and blog.
- What other words can you make from the letters in simile?
- Think of some other similes you use or you’ve heard or read. I’ll help you get started:
- Tight as a _ _ _ _
- Blind as a _ _ _
- Straight as an _ _ _ _ _
- She turned white as a _ _ _ _ _
- That boy is growing like a _ _ _ _
- I slept like a _ _ _ _
- The next time you have to write a story or essay for school, perhaps you could add a simile to make it more interesting.
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