Hooray! It’s spring time and starting to warm up. The cellar isn’t so cold now. Let’s pick from the Silly Sayings box. Your turn. Oh, this is great. “You’re the bee’s knees.” I love that Silly Saying. And I think you ARE the bee’s knees.
It’s perfect because flowers are blooming, it’s raining instead of snowing in lots of places, and the bees are busy pollinating flowers. Here’s what it means.
If you’re trying to describe something as the coolest thing you’ve ever seen, you could use that Silly Saying. If you’re describing something as “the bee’s knees,” it means that it’s the best or “coolest.” For example, your friend’s dance moves could be the bee’s knees. The new video game you bought could be the bee’s knees or your favorite dessert could be the bee’s knees.
Examples: ”Man, Carvel really does make the best ice cream. It’s the best soft serve in America, and their milkshakes are the bee’s knees. Go give it a try and ask them to swirl the chocolate crunchy into the shake.”
“That birthday present was the bee’s knees. Thanks, Mom.”
(from English-Grammar-Lessons.com Bees Knees – Meaning, Origin and Usage March 6, 2022 Pearson)
Fun things to do
Watch this short video about how bees pollinate and carry pollen. This video is the bee’s knees.
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